Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bulgarian men

Bulgarian men respect women a lot more than American men. It is amazing to have friends without feeling like they are trying to hit on you- they respect your space and are very chivalrous, without being sleazy. I'm not used to people buying me drinks, though. In a society where everyone goes dutch all the time, it feels uncomfortable to be given things, especially when I know I am probably more well-off than the people giving me things. I guess it is Bulgarian hospitality (what they call it anyway) but it still feels awkward to me.
It has been raining on and off for days. In the morning it is sunny and cloudless and then it pours at night- very strange. I like it though- everything is very green in this dirty, crowded city. I am beginning to feel more comfortable here- more connected to the hostel and the other workers here. Its good to feel like I am part of something in this chaotic city.


Laura said...

What are you up to besides hostel-living? Any favorite spots in the city?

Kristi Gee said...

are you cleaner of the hostel? what sorts of research are you doing?

i recently stumbled on 'a world in two cities', an urban-ethnomusicology project here in the cities. i thought of you. and wondered if that's what you're doing-- studying the music makers.

it's great to read about your bulgarian adventure.