Friday, June 27, 2008


Peter and I are climbing a mountain on Saturday. Apparently there are brewerys along the way, so we can stop half way up and drink beer. I'm really excited to get out and feel like I am exploring. There is a show this weekend and I'm going to the bands practice tomorrow night I guess. I can't wait to talk to them. I've talked endlessly to all of them on-line.

Its been in the 30s all week (celcius) so two people who work at the hostel and I went to a swimming pool yesterday. It was odd, there were a lot of topless people. You'd never see topless people at the pool in Minneapolis. The water was perfect. I got a bit burned, but it doesn't hurt.
I beat Peter in chess, the first time I've ever one chess in my entire life. I skrewed up pretty bad but had put him so much in the defense that I was able to put him in check with my queen and my king. It was pretty fun. I think once the Euro cup in over, he and I will have to play more chess. Spain and Germany! I never would have guessed from the group stages but Germany really turned around. I thought it would be portugal and holland.

Anyway, none of you care about football. Off to sweep and mop and then research.

1 comment:

Genevieve Roudané said...

Jess, swimmingpool? Swimming pool, Jess?

From one futbol-fanatic country to another, I hear you, sister. Love you. Do you have a mailing address?